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Gastrointestinal: Mini Self-Test

Be sure to check your own gastrointestinal alerts.

Eating and stress affect the mood of the stomach and intestines.

Unhealthy eating habits, personality and other causes of gastrointestinal discomfort, gastrointestinal disease is a common disease in life, many people used to take gastrointestinal drugs to temporarily suppress gastrointestinal discomfort, but over a long period of time repeated injuries and seizures, but make a minor illness into a marijuana trouble, turned into a serious illness.

Be sure to check your own gastrointestinal alerts.

The way to wellness is the way to maintain the digestive system and focus on eating habits.
Health is the foundation of protection from the entanglements and threats of gastrointestinal and digestive diseases!
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The liver vein, upper meridians, lower meridians, genitalia, uterus and liver health are closely related to each other. After the age of 35 (Female are

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