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Autumn dryness on the body,the phubbers have dry eyes surge 30%!

The weather is getting cooler and the climate is entering autumn, which can easily cause autumn dryness. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, a Chinese medicine doctor, found that recently, the number of phubbers coming to the doctor because of dry eyes has increased by about 30%, mainly among white-collar workers and students, because long hours of playing with smartphones and the recent dry climate can easily trigger “autumn dryness” symptoms. It is recommended that patients with dry eye symptoms should reduce the time they spend using smartphones or computers, and supplement with foods that contain moisture and collagen to avoid aggravating dry eye conditions due to autumn dryness.

In Taiwan, there are more and more phubbers, and there is a 40-year-old man who has dry eyes caused by using smartphones and computer screens for a long time, and dry eyes caused by the dry climate. After using herbs to nourish the lungs and stomach, and reducing the bad lifestyle of using cell phones, the dry eye problem finally improved.

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee said that the so-called “autumn dryness” is due to the gradual drying of autumn, causing the body to appear uncomfortable symptoms, most likely to occur in the mucous membrane tissues that need moisture, such as dry eyes, corns of the mouth, itchy skin and constipation. From a Chinese medicine point of view, the temperature in the morning and evening in autumn is low and the air is becoming dry, so dryness can easily lead to dehydration and fire in the body, resulting in inflammation and dryness. The main focus of autumn maintenance is to “moisten” the dryness, and it is not advisable to take large supplements at this time. The herbs used should nourish the yin, moisten the lungs, and benefit the stomach and produce body fluid.

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As people use computers, smartphones more and more frequently, and like to tonic in cold weather, especially often eat barbecue or spicy pot and other hot food, for the usual have to stay up late, social and other bad habits, will aggravate the disease of autumn dryness. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee said that the human body should be “spring and summer Yang, autumn and winter yin”, following the natural “spring, summer growth, autumn harvest, winter storage” rule, in order to maintain the body, reserve energy, but prolonged late night or sleepless will consume physical strength, accelerate the inflammatory response in the body, resulting in a variety of diseases.

Therefore, Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee suggested that autumn maintenance should start with adjusting lifestyle habits, first of all, more water, eat more white fungus, okra and other foods rich in mucus or collagen, in addition to “early to bed and early to rise”, can achieve early to sleep to avoid its cold, early to rise to suffer the effect of autumn; in addition, playing the computer or watching television, pay attention to remember to blink, to avoid prolonged eye use, excessive fatigue, so that the eyes fully rest.

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Originally from:
Healthnews/ Reporter Ka-Ching Kwan reports2014/11/28

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The liver is a vital organ of the human body and has an irreplaceable role in maintaining normal life activities. The liver is an important

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