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The relief of food oil safety first to protect the liver 4 tips to avoid liver suffering

The safety problems of edible oils have been exploding repeatedly, making the nation’s health a red light. Chinese medicine doctor Sheng-Pu Lee said, long-term intake of problematic oils, easy to damage the liver and kidneys; and to enhance liver function, should start with life improvement, including: a light diet, adequate sleep, emotional stability, and regular exercise, can protect the liver, to achieve the effect of liver health. (Video/Photographer Yi-Zhou Lai )

Chinese medicine doctor Sheng-Pu Lee pointed out that Taiwan’s food safety problems have exploded again and again, from plasticizers, tainted starch, to fake oil incidents, have repeatedly hit the public’s confidence in food safety, not only affect the health of the domestic public, but also hurt Taiwan’s international image, so we are worried.

Consumption of problematic cooking oils can harm the liver

Healthy oils are indispensable nutritional lubricants for the body, however, if you consume problematic cooking oils, it will cause serious damage to the liver, resulting in the most common fatty liver, and even cause the future emergence of liver cancer. In Chinese medicine, “liver” is not only the liver, but also the nutritional chemistry of the liver, which affects the brain and nervous system, and has a direct impact on the overall health of the body.

In Chinese medicine, the liver has the function of unblocking and catharsis. If the liver’s unblocking and regulating function is not done properly, it will be “painful if it does not pass”, and people will easily have shoulder and joint pains. The so-called “liver protection and nourishment” is basically to improve the body’s environment and to maintain the normal draining and regulating functions in order to enhance the ability to fight against diseases. The oil problem can not be solved safely, to maintain the nutritional operation of the liver in addition to taking liver protection supplements, more exercise, pay attention to sleep.

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Chinese medicine 4 tips to avoid liver distress

1. Get enough sleep

The best way for the liver is to find time to rest every day. From a Chinese medicine point of view, the blood flows through the liver and gallbladder between 11pm and 3am, when the body should get complete rest, otherwise the repair function will be affected.

Poor sleep quality can cause liver fire to rise. It is not advisable to engage in too much intellectual work at night, which can easily affect the quality of sleep. If you stay up late too often, the liver blood will be depleted and burned, and the liver’s repair function will be affected, making it easy to lose hair and have gray hair in the long run.

2. Emotional stability

The first thing to do is to keep your emotions in check and keep your mood happy. Chinese medicine believes that “anger hurts the liver”, so if you find yourself irritable, the liver has sent a signal. First of all, emotional stability, because when people are emotionally unstable, the body’s Qi begins to condense, and then blood circulation becomes poor, the flow of Qi and blood abnormal, followed by a series of pathologies, such as: easy fatigue, shoulder and joint pain.

Chinese medicine believes that “wine” will promote blood circulation, but long-term drinkers, the liver and intestines will not be fully decomposed nutrients into the blood, into the whole body, leading to heavy hands and feet, physical and blood quality has become worse. In addition, excessive drinking hurts the liver, causing hepatitis and even cirrhosis, which eventually leads to tumors or liver cancer.


3. Light diet

Spicy, stimulating foods, such as fried, bad additives (preservatives, etc.), are causes of liver fire, should try to avoid excessive consumption.

4. Regular exercise

Regular exercise is very important for liver protection. Through exercise, we can promote the body’s blood circulation and combustion and decomposition to purify the body, especially for people who usually lack exercise and are overweight, bad fat (LDL) will easily accumulate in the liver blood, affecting the normal operation. If you suffer from regular fatigue and inactivity, you should consult a Chinese medicine practitioner or take natural herbs for liver health.

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Originally from: Shih-Chieh Zhang reports 2013.12.27


It has the function of keeping the internal organs open, detoxifying, storing blood and mediating blood volume, and has the title of “General’s Officer”.

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