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Chinese medicine treatment for cervical cancer: Prevention of recurrence starts with liver protection

Through Chinese medicine, the immune system of cancer patients can be improved and recurrence can be prevented. A fifty-year old Ms. Li, who is usually in poor physical condition, is prone to catching colds, has itchy intimate part, and has obvious menopausal syndrome, has been found to have uterine fibroids and ovarian tumors, and has recently been diagnosed with cervical cancer. She usually has a habit of seeing Chinese medicine practitioners, and decided to receive Chinese medicine at the same time to nourish her liver and improve her immune system, hoping to avoid the recurrence of cancer.

While Western medicine is the mainstay of cervical cancer treatment, many patients take complementary Chinese medicine treatment at the same time, hoping that the two-pronged approach will increase the effectiveness of treatment. The Chinese medicine Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee has seen several successful patients over the years.

In Chinese medicine, the uterus and ovaries of women are often regarded as the auxiliary organs of the liver and kidneys, and Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee said that although these organs are directly responsible for carrying out the important task of passing on the family line and nurturing new life, the root of their health still lies in the liver. In Chinese medicine, the liver is the most important organ in the human body that exercises metabolism, and metabolism can be expressed in many different ways, such as eating, drinking, shitting and peeing, and the function of nutrition and excretion is the small metabolism, while the function of giving birth to children is the big metabolism, which is the same for both men and women.

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If your liver is bad, you have a higher chance of cancer recurrence! Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee said that modern women generally get married late and live in an increasingly complex environment with various viruses. Western science has confirmed that the human papillomavirus (HPV) is the culprit of cervical cancer, but it is not enough to know the cancer-causing virus. If your immune system is not strong enough, you can still not prevent it.

A 50-year-old cervical cancer patient, who is also relying on Chinese medicine, had a recurrence of lymphatic metastasis after her first operation and swelled to the size of a mango. She was used to heavy physical labor as a domestic helper, and after undergoing a series of operations and chemotherapy, her physical strength and vitality were greatly reduced. In the summer, she still had to wear seven or eight heavy clothes to keep warm, but now she relies on Chinese medicine to nurture her body, and she has barely recovered most of the time.

The most important thing in Chinese medicine to treat and maintain cervical cancer is the health of the liver. In particular, the human liver and the intestine, where many beneficial bacteria live, are the sources of immune protein production. The only way to improve immunity is to start with the liver. Only people with strong immunity can live in a virus-ridden environment without being harmed. For example, hepatitis B and C patients, Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee said that in the past 40 years of practice, he has seen many patients because of the use of antiviral drugs, but the phenomenon of physical incompetence, weakened vitality, but through the liver Chinese medicine prescriptions, test values all the way down to the normal range, and even immune, there are examples of anti-body, proving the effectiveness of Chinese medicine to nourish the liver to improve immunity.

As a Chinese Medicine doctor, Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee reminded cancer patients that they should not rely solely on Chinese medicine for the treatment of cancer, but should continue to receive Western medical treatment in order to be objective, and the results of Chinese medicine can also be examined through Western medical examination every month or two to see if the cancer cells are controlled or changed. In addition, Li Shenpu stressed that the prevention of gynecological diseases should also start with the protection of the liver, especially diseases caused by viral infections, to nurture the liver and protect it well to strengthen the immune system, although it is not possible to completely avoid infection, but a good immunity does help the effectiveness of treatment and prevent recurrence.

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Originally from:
Health Chinatimes/ Reporter Jia-Wen Zhou 2010.12.16

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